Truth is the new drug


Wild Woman Healing Secret #1 : Shortcut to healing = massive intake of truthtelling + large volumes of pure water.

The new coolness – to be truth junkies.

Phase 1 is to wake up to the external world — seeing through all the lies separating humanity away from living in harmony with earth.

Phase 2 is looking within and stepping out of the overlay of lies projected upon us from the external reality — and choosing to no longer wear it as the garment of our identity.  Being willing to let it all go. And see who is under all of that.

Into the fire.  No longer needed.  The authentic wild woman shows up, the true nature of woman.

What is underneath all of the images and ideas projected upon us, and thoughts that may never have been our own?  Our perfection.  Our innate wildness. In the image of the Creator.

Drinking large volumes of pure water puts out the internal heat generated from all of this truthtelling and story-editing.

Water gently floats us upon a wave that tenderly carries us back to peace.  Pure water is kindness.

This is the recipe for healing.  Water and truth.  The water flushes out the old beliefs, the old stories.  We then feel refreshed, bathing within the clean waters of our newness.

Every aspect feels better – the physical body, the emotions, the mind, the spirit.   Light comes back into the eyes.  The heart is soothed.

Water and truth = a healthy addiction.