Wild Woman Sound Healing Retreat – Saturday July 2

Join us for an amazingly magical and musical time exploring how sound heals our bodies and souls. We are going to create a sound vortex together in our community medicine wheel that has never been done before! You will be amazed at the beauty your own voice adds! No prior musical experience or talent required! This is how we play, like children, in the joy of just showing up and experiencing something bold and new.

Date: Saturday, July 2
Time: 1pm to 10pm
Location: Fallbrook – Wild Woman Healing Retreat House

Pay Here 

Indigo Dye Your Own Unique Earth Blanket
Indigo Dye Your Own Unique Earth Blanket

When you arrive, you are greeted into the tribe and adorned with sacred oils and perhaps a feather or two. We have an amazing and fun crafts project that we are starting right away so it is complete in time for our special sound healing ceremonies. We are each going to be making our individual “earth blankets” that we tie-dye using the traditional dark blue indigo dye imported from India, using traditional folding and knotting patterns …. Or you can free-style it!

Varieties of folding and knotting methods yield beautiful patterns
Varieties of folding and knotting methods yield beautiful patterns

Your earth blanket is yours to take home and use however you like: wrap it around you as a prayer shawl, tie it around your hips at the beach, or use it anytime you want to create a sacred space for yourself.

It will be rinsed and dried and ready for use at dusk, when the magic happens.   In our community medicine wheel, we will be lying on our earth blankets and bringing our instruments, drums and rattles into the circle, and allowing our bodies to ground down into the earth.

Rewilding Ourselves
Rewilding Ourselves

Our ceremony during this event is to learn a new kind of “earth singing” to our Mother, our dearest earth, our Pachamama, our Gaia, and give her our heart’s love and our intention for her healing, and to sing her our songs of love as her children. It is said that Earth is a conscious being, a female Spirit of a very high and powerful magnitude, who is aware of each one us, and who gives special blessings, favor and protection to those who honor her with prayer and ceremony.

Smudging with a quail wing
Smudging with a quail wing

Those who have created this intimate relationship with Earth have even felt her heartbeat and rhythm in their own bodies as they lay upon her, having conversations with her, feeling her immense love pouring into their own hearts, and her great sacrifice as the living platform of our evolution.

The Medicine Woman
The Medicine Woman

You will be learning how to tone from the deepest core of your being. If you are a natural singer, you can open up and sing your heart songs. If you can’t hold a note, you will learn how to find your own natural sound from your unique essence, and how to have fun with it, singing in your own style. Each bird in the forest adds to the symphony of nature. You will be amazed to find that the birds in the trees take a high interest in these humans who create sounds that harmonize with nature, and often join in. The energy and music we create together is beyond amazing!

Your Earth Song is your Prayer to Creation
Your Earth Song is your Prayer to Creation

Because it is such a special day, it deserves a feast, don’t you agree? You will not be disappointed! We will honor the earth by eating as all of nature eats, pure organic food in its natural state: unheated, fresh, and with a gourmet twist! Your host and founder of Wild Woman Healing is a raw vegan chef, who knows how to make the yummiest, most scrumptilicious concoctions ever! You will be feasting all day on fresh organic juices, snacks like Bavarian Chocolate Cherry Brownies (all raw vegan and sugar and gluten free of course), and the house specialty: Rawktails … the new-and-improved version of cocktails (without the alcohol) that get you high on life-force.

Your time to ground and heal
Your time to ground and heal

Are we going to have fun? Absol-freakin’-lutely. Are we going to play a few silly and hysterically funny games? Come and find out. Are we going to have some deep and revelatory discussions on how to get our wild on as women, and how to step into stronger ownership of our power? You betcha. The combined Elder Wisdom that flows through all of us as we gather as a loving tribe is beyond magical. We inspire and support and elevate each other.

Music and sound dances through us
Music and sound dances through us

Are we going to paint our faces and dance around the fire and drum and sing and experience ourselves in our natural state, as the Creator dreamed us? It has been known to happen – come see.

Fun with face paint
Fun with face paint

The reason that we all NEED Wild Woman Healing retreats is that our day-to-day urban lifestyles can drain our very lifeforce. Our diets can be less than optimum, and the stress of managing our relationships, our finances and our responsibilities can be exhausting. We need a cosmic summer camp day just for women where we can let our hair down, go makeup free, relax, be ourselves, and let our spirit shine amongst those who all agree we are perfect, beautiful, complete … just as we are. And don’t forget about the fun crafts. We need to play and create

All ages of wild women are welcome
All ages of wild women are welcome

things with our hands that are meaningful, and imbued with our intention. That is a huge part of the fun of the magical camp that is a WWHR.

Pure joy
Pure joy

What happens at Wild Woman Healing retreats is that we create SUCH a good time that we don’t want it to end! The group love is too big, too strong, and we want to bask in the glow awhile. Therefore, plan on bringing pillow, sleeping bag and your favorite comforter for a bit of padding, and hanging out with your soul siStars in a cosmic pajama party. A mug of raw chocolate cocoa and herbal tea with your besties is hard to beat! Especially while under the stars, sitting around the campfire, sharing stories of truth and love and humor. The theme is sound healing … so we will be using our voices to speak in words that heal, in tones that soothe, and of course, laughter is the best medicine.

The Goddess Lounge
The Goddess Lounge

The cost of this event is $111 with an early bird discount of $22 by paying in full by June 25, reducing the cost to $89. Please share this with your own best friend so you can rewild together and create even more fun and magic.

Pay Here

 What to bring:

  • Dress in layers, wear super comfy clothes
  • Warm jacket / hoody for campfire
  • Flip flops (for earth grounding barefoot)
  • Walking shoes
  • Any instruments you have, including drums, rattles, kazoos, harmonicas, flutes … anything that inspires you with its joyful or sacred tones
  • Pack: pillow, sleeping bag, and a pad or folded comforter for padding. Couch and floor space available.  You might want to stay and bask in the afterglow, so come prepared, just in case a burst of spontaneity invites you to join your fellow Wild Woman in a pajama party
  • Water bottle
  • *** Please have your lunch before arriving

What is provided:

  • Copious organic vegan snacks, herbal teas and fresh juices
  • Rawktails (raw organic cocktails, without the alcohol) during our rawktail hour
  • Multi-course vegan dinner by raw vegan chef
  • Drinking water
  • Extreme levels of wildishly exciting fun
  • Sacred ceremony in the community prayer wheel
  • Campfire stories and spontaneous dancing
  • All materials for craft project of native indigo dyed earth blankets
  • Hugs, smiles, laughter and a lot of fun